Quimica Clinica Aplicada S.A.

Business Type:Manufacturer



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Company Information

Quimica Clinica Aplicada, S.A., the Spanish for “ Applied Clinical Chemistry”,  is mainly focused in developing & manufacturing products for our network of Distributors.

We are a young and dynamic team managed and composed by expert professionals in Chemistry & Biochemistry, Biology & Microbiology that are fully dedicated to Production, Quality Control, R&D and Customer Support.

We are a flexible organization; a direct and effective internal work-flow allow us to fulfil our Quality Policy :  

1-  Our efforts are totally focused on our Customers in order to identify, fulfil and even go beyond their requirements and expectations.

2-  To meet all the legal and technical requirements to keep our Quality Standard at the highest level.

3-  To encourage our human team to a constant professional growth in the Excellence. Motivation lead us to a commitment for improvement  and productivity.

4- The acquisition of a commitment to improve our management system and the conformity of our products.

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